Το ΑΝΑΠΑΝΤΕΧΟ του Φαμπρίς Μελκιό στις 4 & 5 Οκτώβρη στην Αθήνα
στον Χώρο Τέχνης 14η Μέρα, Καλλιρόης 10, Αθήνα, Μετρό Ακρόπολη
Πληροφορίες - Κρατήσεις 210 9214248

ο ΕΙΛΙΣΣΟΣ - μια εταιρία για τον πολιτισμό και ο Χώρος Τέχνης 14η ΜΕΡΑ παρουσιάζουν για δύο μοναδικές παραστάσεις στην Αθήνα, το Σάββατο 4 και την Κυριακή 5 Οκτώβρη την συγκλονιστική παράσταση σε σκηνοθεσία Aleksandra Kazazou "Το Αναπάντεχο" του Φαμπρίς Μελκιό. Ερμηνεύει η Anna Krotoska.
Εισιτήρια : 10 ευρώ / 7 ευρώ φοιτητές & άνεργοι
Πληροφορίες - Κρατήσεις 210 9214248 - 6944 301678 & www.eilissos.gr
Η performance Linatendu δημιουργήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του εσωτερικού προγράμματος του Institut του Jerzy Grotowski στο Βρότσλαβ το 2014. Η Anna Krotoska και η Αλεξάνδρα Kazazou συναντήθηκαν για πρώτη φορά λίγα χρόνια νωρίτερα κατά τη διάρκεια ενός άλλου προγράμματος, στο Song of the Goat Theatre, κατά τo οποίo η Άννα ήταν δάσκαλος και Aleksandra βελτίωνε τις ικανότητες της σαν ηθοποιός. Εδώ σ’αυτή τους τη συνάντηση οι ρόλοι έχουν αντιστραφεί - αυτή τη φορά η Αλεξάνδρα σκηνοθετεί και κατευθύνει τη δουλειά για την προετοιμασία της παράστασης.
Το Linatendu μιλά για το θάνατο και τη μνήμη, τη ζωή μετά από μια απώλεια. Η ηρωίδα προσπαθεί να αντιμετωπίσει το χάος της περιόδου πένθους. Παρατηρεί τον κόσμο εκ νέου. Προσπαθεί να αντιμετωπίσει την προσωπική απώλεια της και την προσωπική της εμπειρία με τον θάνατο, με την περιβάλλουσα πραγματικότητα, η οποία δεν είναι ευνοική.
Το Linatendu αφηγείται μια ιστορία για μια κρίσιμη στιγμή στη ζωή, για τη σιωπή πριν .... για την εξέγερση, τον παραλογισμό, τη θλίψη και την καθημερινή ζωή μετά από μια απώλεια. Μήπως ένα ισούται με ένα εκατομμύριο; Μήπως ένας θάνατος ζυγίζει το ίδιο με τον πολλαπλάσιο θάνατο μέσα από τα μίντια καθημερινά ; Είναι η μνήμη ένα δώρο, ή κατάρα;
Παρά το γεγονός ότι το θέμα που είναι εξαιρετικά δύσκολο και δραματικό ο συγγραφέας προσπαθεί να βρεί την «ελαφρότητα» και μερικές φορές ακόμη και την κωμική διάσταση στη φόρμα και στο κείμενο του έργου. Προσπαθεί να δαμάσει το θάνατο, μιλώντας γι’αυτόν με ένα συνηθισμένο τρόπο. Ο θάνατος, όπως όλοι γνωρίζουμε, ενώ είναι το πιο αναπόφευκτο και βέβαιο γεγονός στη ζωή μας, την ίδια στιγμή είμαστε πολύ λίγο εξοικειωμένοι μ’αυτόν.
ΕΡΜΗΝΕΙΑ: Anna Krotoska
ΣΚΗΝΟΘΕΣΙΑ: Alexandra Kazazou
ΔΡΑΜΑΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ: Alexandra Kazazou, Anna Krotoska
ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou, Daniel Han
ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ: 50 min
Βασισμένο στο L’inattendu του Fabrice Melquiot σε μετάφραση από την Wioletta Kaczmaryn και σε κείμενο της Anna Krotoska
Εισιτήρια : 10 ευρώ / 7 ευρώ φοιτητές & άνεργοι
Πληροφορίες - Κρατήσεις 210 9214248 - 6944 301678 & www.eilissos.gr
Η performance Linatendu δημιουργήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του εσωτερικού προγράμματος του Institut του Jerzy Grotowski στο Βρότσλαβ το 2014. Η Anna Krotoska και η Αλεξάνδρα Kazazou συναντήθηκαν για πρώτη φορά λίγα χρόνια νωρίτερα κατά τη διάρκεια ενός άλλου προγράμματος, στο Song of the Goat Theatre, κατά τo οποίo η Άννα ήταν δάσκαλος και Aleksandra βελτίωνε τις ικανότητες της σαν ηθοποιός. Εδώ σ’αυτή τους τη συνάντηση οι ρόλοι έχουν αντιστραφεί - αυτή τη φορά η Αλεξάνδρα σκηνοθετεί και κατευθύνει τη δουλειά για την προετοιμασία της παράστασης.
Το Linatendu μιλά για το θάνατο και τη μνήμη, τη ζωή μετά από μια απώλεια. Η ηρωίδα προσπαθεί να αντιμετωπίσει το χάος της περιόδου πένθους. Παρατηρεί τον κόσμο εκ νέου. Προσπαθεί να αντιμετωπίσει την προσωπική απώλεια της και την προσωπική της εμπειρία με τον θάνατο, με την περιβάλλουσα πραγματικότητα, η οποία δεν είναι ευνοική.
Το Linatendu αφηγείται μια ιστορία για μια κρίσιμη στιγμή στη ζωή, για τη σιωπή πριν .... για την εξέγερση, τον παραλογισμό, τη θλίψη και την καθημερινή ζωή μετά από μια απώλεια. Μήπως ένα ισούται με ένα εκατομμύριο; Μήπως ένας θάνατος ζυγίζει το ίδιο με τον πολλαπλάσιο θάνατο μέσα από τα μίντια καθημερινά ; Είναι η μνήμη ένα δώρο, ή κατάρα;
Παρά το γεγονός ότι το θέμα που είναι εξαιρετικά δύσκολο και δραματικό ο συγγραφέας προσπαθεί να βρεί την «ελαφρότητα» και μερικές φορές ακόμη και την κωμική διάσταση στη φόρμα και στο κείμενο του έργου. Προσπαθεί να δαμάσει το θάνατο, μιλώντας γι’αυτόν με ένα συνηθισμένο τρόπο. Ο θάνατος, όπως όλοι γνωρίζουμε, ενώ είναι το πιο αναπόφευκτο και βέβαιο γεγονός στη ζωή μας, την ίδια στιγμή είμαστε πολύ λίγο εξοικειωμένοι μ’αυτόν.
ΕΡΜΗΝΕΙΑ: Anna Krotoska
ΣΚΗΝΟΘΕΣΙΑ: Alexandra Kazazou
ΔΡΑΜΑΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ: Alexandra Kazazou, Anna Krotoska
ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou, Daniel Han
ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ: 50 min
Βασισμένο στο L’inattendu του Fabrice Melquiot σε μετάφραση από την Wioletta Kaczmaryn και σε κείμενο της Anna Krotoska
Linatendu performance was prepared in the framework of a resident programme in the Institut of Jerzy Grotowski in Wrocław in 2014. Anna Krotoska and Alexandra Kazazou met the first time a few years earlier during a Master’s programme at Song of the Goat Theatre during which Anna was a teacher and Aleksandra was honing her actor’s skills. During their next meeting their roles reversed – this time it was Alexandra who directed and led the work to prepare the performance.
Linatendu talks about death and memory, life after a loss. The heroine tries to confront the chaos of the mourning period. She observes the world anew. She tries to confront her personal loss and her personal experience with death with the surrounding reality, which does not bring any comfort. Linatendu tells a story about a critical moment in life, about silence just before.... about rebellion, absurdity, sadness and everyday life after a loss. Does one equal a million? Does one death weigh the same as the death multiplied on the news every day? Is memory a gift, or a curse?
In spite of dealing with the topic that is extremely difficult and dramatic the authors try to find lightness and sometimes even comic qualities in the form of the performance and its text. They try to tame death, to talk about it in an ordinary way. Death as we all know is the most inevitable and certain event in our lives, but at the same time the least familiar.
Actress: Anna Krotoska
Director: Alexandra Kazazou
Dramaturgy: Alexandra Kazazou, Anna Krotoska
Music: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou, Daniel Han
Stage design and lights: Karol Jarek
Time: 50 min
Screenplay based on L’inattendu by Fabrice Melquiot translated by Wioletta Kaczmaryn as well as on text written by Anna Krotoska
Linatendu talks about death and memory, life after a loss. The heroine tries to confront the chaos of the mourning period. She observes the world anew. She tries to confront her personal loss and her personal experience with death with the surrounding reality, which does not bring any comfort. Linatendu tells a story about a critical moment in life, about silence just before.... about rebellion, absurdity, sadness and everyday life after a loss. Does one equal a million? Does one death weigh the same as the death multiplied on the news every day? Is memory a gift, or a curse?
In spite of dealing with the topic that is extremely difficult and dramatic the authors try to find lightness and sometimes even comic qualities in the form of the performance and its text. They try to tame death, to talk about it in an ordinary way. Death as we all know is the most inevitable and certain event in our lives, but at the same time the least familiar.
Actress: Anna Krotoska
Director: Alexandra Kazazou
Dramaturgy: Alexandra Kazazou, Anna Krotoska
Music: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou, Daniel Han
Stage design and lights: Karol Jarek
Time: 50 min
Screenplay based on L’inattendu by Fabrice Melquiot translated by Wioletta Kaczmaryn as well as on text written by Anna Krotoska
“Dance theatre? Laboratory? Performance? Sometimes in the theater repertoire the audience finds a title that does not relate anyhow to the most contemporary names describing…. exactly, describing what? Searching for something? Or just a simple happening? Above all this is what Linatendu stands for. The audience in the Laboratory Theater of Jerzy Grotowski during this performance experienced something very significant. However, how do you name it when it goes far beyond all the senses?”
Zuzanna Budko, teatralia.com.pl
“Stage minimalism affects our imagination. It allows all the things that have not been explicitly explained to appear in our heads. Brilliant acting plays in this process also a very significant role. It leads the monologue very smoothly and makes it very dynamic. There is no place for sad sentimental pauses here. Dramatic sequences, in which important issues are raised, are interwoven with comic ones, which give the audience time to relax, however not for too long. This woman's story is there for us to dare to start a conversation on a very difficult issue.”
Monika Branicka, kulturaonline.pl
Anna Krotoska
She graduated from Department of Historical and Pedagogic Studies of the University of Wrocław. She was mastering her acting, singing and movement skills during twelve years of work with Song of the Goat Theatre. Together with this company, she created „Pieśo Kozła – dithyramb”, „Chronicles – a lamentation” and „Lacrimosa” performances. These shows have toured internationally throughout Europe, America and Australia. They also performed twice at Edinbourgh Theatre Festival winning Scotsman Fringe First, Herald Angel and Best International Show for „Chronicles – a lamentation”. For many years Anna has been sharing her acting experience leading theatre workshops both in Poland and abroad. She is also a teacher on the MA programme in Manchester Metropolitan University in cooperation with Song of the Goat Theatre. Seeking film experience, she played a leading character in a movie "Kaleidoscope" directed by Aniela Astrid Gabryel. Her new skill is family mediation. She also plays bass drum in Brazilian style female band Mamatucada.
Alexandra Kazazou (Greece/Poland) was born in Wrocław, Poland and studied acting in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She worked as an actor in the North National Theater and co-founded Asypka, a theatrical group based in Athens. She first encountered physical theatre with Song of the Goat Theatre during her studies and, in 2009, she went to Wrocław to enter the MA in Acting course with Song of the Goat Theatre in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University. Currently, a member of Studio Matejka in The Jerzy Grotowski Institute, with whom she created and performs in the solo performance ‘Charmolypi,’ which has toured in numerous venues and festivals through Poland, Greece, Belgium and Russia. Alexandra is a member of the Odra Ensemble in collaboration with Song of the Goat Theatre and member of Jubilo Project in Wrocław. Her main interest of research is focused on the function of chorus in Greek tragedy and the connection with the daily chorus of life and ensemble. A significant inspiration and life experience was her expedition to the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba. She is a certified teacher of Ashtanga Yoga and also teaches Ancient Greek tragedy at the University of Wrocław (ISKIO), Mediterranean Studies department.
“Dance theatre? Laboratory? Performance? Sometimes in the theater repertoire the audience finds a title that does not relate anyhow to the most contemporary names describing…. exactly, describing what? Searching for something? Or just a simple happening? Above all this is what Linatendu stands for. The audience in the Laboratory Theater of Jerzy Grotowski during this performance experienced something very significant. However, how do you name it when it goes far beyond all the senses?”
Zuzanna Budko, teatralia.com.pl
“Stage minimalism affects our imagination. It allows all the things that have not been explicitly explained to appear in our heads. Brilliant acting plays in this process also a very significant role. It leads the monologue very smoothly and makes it very dynamic. There is no place for sad sentimental pauses here. Dramatic sequences, in which important issues are raised, are interwoven with comic ones, which give the audience time to relax, however not for too long. This woman's story is there for us to dare to start a conversation on a very difficult issue.”
Monika Branicka, kulturaonline.pl
Anna Krotoska
She graduated from Department of Historical and Pedagogic Studies of the University of Wrocław. She was mastering her acting, singing and movement skills during twelve years of work with Song of the Goat Theatre. Together with this company, she created „Pieśo Kozła – dithyramb”, „Chronicles – a lamentation” and „Lacrimosa” performances. These shows have toured internationally throughout Europe, America and Australia. They also performed twice at Edinbourgh Theatre Festival winning Scotsman Fringe First, Herald Angel and Best International Show for „Chronicles – a lamentation”. For many years Anna has been sharing her acting experience leading theatre workshops both in Poland and abroad. She is also a teacher on the MA programme in Manchester Metropolitan University in cooperation with Song of the Goat Theatre. Seeking film experience, she played a leading character in a movie "Kaleidoscope" directed by Aniela Astrid Gabryel. Her new skill is family mediation. She also plays bass drum in Brazilian style female band Mamatucada.
Alexandra Kazazou (Greece/Poland) was born in Wrocław, Poland and studied acting in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She worked as an actor in the North National Theater and co-founded Asypka, a theatrical group based in Athens. She first encountered physical theatre with Song of the Goat Theatre during her studies and, in 2009, she went to Wrocław to enter the MA in Acting course with Song of the Goat Theatre in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University. Currently, a member of Studio Matejka in The Jerzy Grotowski Institute, with whom she created and performs in the solo performance ‘Charmolypi,’ which has toured in numerous venues and festivals through Poland, Greece, Belgium and Russia. Alexandra is a member of the Odra Ensemble in collaboration with Song of the Goat Theatre and member of Jubilo Project in Wrocław. Her main interest of research is focused on the function of chorus in Greek tragedy and the connection with the daily chorus of life and ensemble. A significant inspiration and life experience was her expedition to the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba. She is a certified teacher of Ashtanga Yoga and also teaches Ancient Greek tragedy at the University of Wrocław (ISKIO), Mediterranean Studies department.